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產品中心/P R O D U C T S


Q  Q:1772638264
地址: 濟南市大橋鎮工業園


更新時間:2017-06-01 15:11:00 點擊次數:2520次

每個辦公空間都有自己獨特的設計和裝修風格,有的大氣,雅致,有的時尚、簡約;有的唯美、溫馨。您更喜歡哪一種裝修風格呢? 那么,一個大的辦公空間如何進行濟南辦公隔斷成幾個互不干擾互不影響的辦公室呢?Each office space has its own unique design and decoration style, some atmosphere, elegant, some fashion, simple; some beautiful, warm. Which style of decoration do you prefer? Then, how do you separate a large office space into an office in Ji'nan that does not interfere with each other?

把一個辦公空間隔成幾個單獨的辦公空間,如隔成總經理室,技術部,會議室,洽談室等。那怎樣進行辦公空間的隔斷呢?下面由濟南辦公隔斷小編來為您講述辦公室裝修是如何隔斷辦公空間。Separate an office space into several separate office spaces, such as the general manager, the technical department, the conference room, the negotiation room, etc.. Then how to cut off the office space? Here is the Ji'nan office partition to tell you how the office space is separated from the office decoration. 

隨著時代的發展,現代風格辦公環境由傳統的封閉式轉化為敞開式,高隔間產品改變原本由木工隔間及磚墻隔間的局面,引進各種組合式隔間系統,彌補了以往僵化的隔間形式,未來,隔間市場將逐步向系統組合化發展。簡格高隔間“工業化裝飾”新概念引進新時代潮流,從美觀、實效、環保、多功能方面注入更多人性化的需求元素,從而塑造富有個性化和高品質的室內空間。 With the development of the times, the modern style office environment from the traditional closed into the open, high compartment products change originally from woodworking compartment and brick wall compartment of the situation, the introduction of various combined partition system, overcomes the rigid compartment form, the future market will be gradually to the compartment system development. Jane found compartment "industrialization decoration" new concept of the introduction of the new trend of the times into the demand elements more humane from appearance, effectiveness, environmental protection, multi function, so as to create personalized and high-quality indoor space.

濟南辦公隔斷主要采用玻璃隔斷,其特點是:采光性好,隔音、防火性能佳,環保且容易安裝,可重復利用,免維護。其中玻璃隔斷有分為以下兩種:Ji'nan office partition is mainly made of glass partition, it is characterized by: good lighting, sound insulation, fire resistance, environmental protection and easy installation, can be reused, free of maintenance. Among them, the glass partition is divided into the following two kinds: 

濟南辦公隔斷的單玻隔斷即單層玻璃隔斷,其基本結構是由單層玻璃和鋁金屬型材構成的隔斷墻體,空間性好,成本較低。 Ji'nan office partition single glass partition, that is, single glass partition, its basic structure is made of single-layer glass and aluminum metal section of the partition wall, the space is good, the cost is low.

濟南辦公隔斷的雙玻隔斷即雙層玻璃隔斷,其基本結構是由雙層玻璃和鋁金屬型材構成的隔斷墻體,牢固耐久,整體感更強,且雙層玻璃中間加入各式百葉,可實現更多效果。Ji'nan office partition double glass partition is double glass partition, the basic structure of the partition wall, composed of double glass and aluminum metal profiles is solid and durable, stronger overall sense, and the double glass added among all kinds of louvers, can achieve more effect.

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