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產品中心/P R O D U C T S


Q  Q:1772638264
地址: 濟南市大橋鎮工業園


更新時間:2017-06-01 15:05:33 點擊次數:2153次

很多朋友都是在裝修的時候都是著重的進行設計規劃,尤其是在做隔斷的時候,那么在進行濟南玻璃隔斷隔斷的時候需要注意哪些問題呢?今天濟南辦公隔斷工程有限公司的人員來跟您講講,希望對您有一定的幫助。 衛生間的濟南玻璃隔斷安裝時要注意哪些事項? Many of my friends are in the decoration of the time are focused on the design and planning, especially in the partition time, then in the Ji'nan glass partition pay attention to what issues need to partition it? Today Ji'nan office partition Engineering Limited company staff to tell you, hope you have some help. What should be paid attention to when installing the Ji'nan glass partition in the bathroom?

1.不要用下滑道,由于滑道內比較容易進灰,不易清洗,還會積水。Do not use the glide path, because the chute is relatively easy to enter the ash, not easy to clean, but also water. 

2.要先鋪設地磚及墻磚,再按現實尺寸定做衛生間高隔間,必要注意的是墻面上下的誤差的可能,要按現場現實的尺寸才可定做高隔間。 To first lay tiles and wall tiles, and then according to the actual size of the bathroom toilet high compartments, the necessary attention is that the wall up and down the possibility of error, according to the actual size of the site can be customized high compartment.

3.要是沒有門框,要安置擋水的門檔,可選專門安裝門檻石,要高出地面1.5cm---4cm.If there is no door frame, the door should be placed to prevent water, optional installation of stone sill, to be higher than the ground 1.5cm---4cm .

4.安裝衛生間的濟南玻璃隔斷時,工藝需要更加精細,如果衛生間高隔間安裝不得當,就會導致衛生間的排水系統不通暢等一些嚴重遺留問題。 Installation of the bathroom Ji'nan glass partition, the process needs to be more sophisticated, if the toilet high compartment installation is not appropriate, it will lead to the toilet drainage system is not smooth, and some serious problems.

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